Poole Town Centre

POOLE TOWN CENTRE has much to offer all year round
Not only does Poole boast fantastic dining and drinking facilities, a shopping experience not to be missed, it also offers family fun for all to enjoy.
Poole Town Centre is rich in history, character and as a destination offers an experience you’ll never forget.
The town centre is situated in the heart of Poole and stretches from the waters edge at Poole Quay up to the Dolphin Shopping Centre.
Poole has great historical heritage, something the town is very proud of. From humble beginnings the town centre grew up from the quay as it became one of the South Coasts most important mediaeval ports. At the Quay and lower High Street you will find yourself surrounded by the stunning harbour and medieval buildings. In the main High Street you can see the Georgian Mansions and art deco style buildings leading into the Dolphin Shopping Centre.
Shopping in Poole is a Breeze Poole boasts a shopping experience second to none. With the under cover Dolphin Shopping Centre housing many of the nations favourite stores and the diverse and alternative goods offered along the High Street, shopping in Poole has never been so good.
The High Street Market Every Thursday and Saturday Poole hosts the weekly street market along the High Street and a genuine Farmers Market in Falkland Square on a Thursday.
If all of this is too much for you, take a step back and watch the High Street come alive with street entertainment provided by professional and creative artists that wow the crowds, at various dates throughout the year.
What's where? Poole High Street is stretched out over 1km of flat pedestrianised walkway with only the final few meters leading down to the Quay open for traffic. This allows you to wander around in peace without having to dodge traffic and cross roads.